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Original CR rear drum question
Deep into winter here in NE Ohio. I completed the front conversion to 11" Wilwoods with new MC, Proportioning valve and 7" booster. Cannot drive it until spring and wish to test drive with rear drum setup before deciding to spend for 4 wheel upgrade(as I need to spend for other upgrades as well).
So I want to just rebuild the rear drum brake setup 1st.
Has ford 8.8" rear end and original CR 9" rear drum brakes.
Question is what rebuild do I buy for? Car built in 1992 so I was assuming 92 mustang? (edited: seems like 92 Ford Ranger 9" drum would be correct.) Can anybody verify? Want new cyclinder, shoes, spring kit and drums.
Last edited by Ohio Ken; 12-25-2014 at 01:45 PM..
Reason: Added option