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Old 12-25-2014, 02:44 PM
ollykiwi3 ollykiwi3 is offline
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Default Problem still exists

Hi all
I have done a major rebuild over the last six months and am finally back on the road.
I installed new pads to see what would happen,and it seems nothing has changed.
The first drive was ok and I thought all was good until the brakes got warm.
The chatter isn't there when it's cold but appears after the brakes warm up a bit. I don't even use them much.
Again,it's like a dry windscreen wiper bouncing across the windscreen.
It's a long thread but please read previous solutions and answers for the history before commenting.
A brake place told me it could be material transfer that is a mismatch causing it to become"sticky"so to speak which causes the pads to chatter under very light load.
I can't believe I'm the only person in the jag or cobra community with this problem.
I still want to try different pad material but ebc pads are expensive and if that's not the problem then I just wasted $200.
Again,it's not a shudder,its a high freq low speed,low load "chatter".
I will try and record it next time out and upload if that works.

Nick427-I might give that a go.i have trw pads & rotors on mine,but I was going to go harder or better with ebc Reds. Have you had any more luck?
I tried the bias thing ang got the rears to lock first but that was at higher speed and I guess more weight transfer to front making rear lighter anyway,but it still didn't help.
Besides,it was crap at stopping like that.

Any further thoughts?

Thanks and merry Christmas

Last edited by ollykiwi3; 12-25-2014 at 02:57 PM.. Reason: More info
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