mjhcobra I think we talked and your name was MIke?? Go with the ford tray. Drill some 1/4 holes in the center to help the
oil return faster. Hydro lifters are great. I agree with a ford motor in a cobra over others.
For the lines for the
oil cooler one goes up the l/s frame and the other loops over in the raditor opening and parrells the other back to the
oil housing. Watch out for rubbing of the lines. Use clamps with rubber insolators and screw them to the frame. I think ERA will show you a picture of the lines being routed.
If you call Melling they can tell you what spring is in the oil pump.
What oil are you looking to run? 10-30, 10-40, 15-40, The thicker oil will help keep the psi level up. I also add 1 quart of lucas oil suppliment to the oil. This should be done with the motor running and oil is warm to mix it. Pour it in slow. It has a cligging compound in it. This help prevent dry starts and stops the oil from coming off the metal parts if the motor sits for a week. It will cost a couple of HP but if it help saves a $10,000.00 + motor who cares.
Rick L. Ps not 100% sure but I think the HV oil pump comes with a #50 pound spring. The HVHP comes with a 60# spring. You can add a washer behind the spring to get the 60 number. Pull the spring out of the pump and install the washer, reinstall the plug and safety wire it so the plug can't come out or get loose.