Originally Posted by David Kirkham
Actually they are very open about it. Joe has worked very hard to change the culture at Shelby from riding on their laurels to one of constant improvement. I'm sure they are constantly looking for better suppliers. We have to stay on the top of our game with Joe and Keith. They aren't shy about demanding higher quality and better delivery times.
Interesting. In the past, I thought of the Shelby aluminum cars as having a distinction from the Kirkham cars in a number of ways, obviously one of those things is the Shelby brand, but there were other difference too, like the original style suspension, a really nice paint job and some amount of assembly done in Vegas. Now it seems a bit less different than a Kirkham if they arrive in Vegas as Kirkham rollers with Kirkham billet suspension and only need to be painted, add some Shelby badges and weld a plate over the Kirkham number with a CSX number.
Now I can definitely see people asking, why pay so much more than the base price of a Kirkham for a Shelby. But then again, there are a lot of options available from Kirkham and they can add up really fast. The price of a well optioned Kirkham can be significantly higher than the base price. Perhaps we can think of the Shelby product as a well optioned Kirkham with a really nice paint job and the Shelby brand name. And I think we know that Shelby has customer out there willing to pay their price.