Originally Posted by Karl Bebout
Hello Dimis,
Originally Posted by Karl Bebout
If the BBF 427 was so superior, why didn't Ford make more of them? Simple... Evolution... Evolved to what? and when? Been a lot of decades between the 427 and the new modular monsters.
Why were they so expensive? Simple... They're desirable... Ford must have wanted them to be so desirable very few people could afford them. There had to have been what 30, 50, 100 to one, fast BBC to every fast 427 BBF. True to this day in ProStock
Why didn't Ford "extrapolate" them on out to successful bigger engines like Chevy did (454, 502, 572 and such)? I never hear anyone get excited about the 460. ??Not true... They do... One word... Kasse. Kasse, Ford, Ford, Kasse. John has been a wizzard with Ford engines since the early 70s, but I don't remember that he was ever enployed by them. Ran their engine development? Hopefully they learned lots of things from him, and used them. I was always glad that John ran a 4spd in his black Mustang fastback. Otherwise, we would have been in the same class and I would never have won a race. He got that thing into the 10.80s, with a TWO BARREL CARB! A full second faster than I was running with my 427 '69 Nova, A/T, also with a two barrel. He put dents in his hood, from the shock towers, from landing so hard from his wheeel stands. The Mustang was a "428" and the only fast 428 I ever saw, back in the early 70s, in Northern Ohio. Never understood why he would never run at the National events, where he would have annihilatedthe records for both ET and Speed for both the old IHRA and AHRA. Would have been some serious bragging rights and some good sponsorships. Wonder if the ensuing tech teardowns might have deterred him? None the less. Kasse absolutely knows how to make a ton of power! What does his name have to do with the question? Your arguments don't hold water, for me. Maybe others...
Dear sir, Evidently the 460 FORD I referenced gave you a woody.
Tell me now the Cammer doesn't either?
Ps: Who Kasse was employed by or worked for is irrelevant.
You asked about a FORD engine - I gave an example and you go and get all... Sheesh... Never mind... Big block Chevys are the greatest every engine built...
There you go... Your thoughts have been vindicated.
Enjoy your day!