Originally Posted by RodKnock
Nope, no Kapesh. The "purity" argument is nonsense to me, because you don't own a 1960's original CSX2000 or 3000. The rest are replicas of the original. And the "purist" who tries to replicate the original with his or her Kirkham, Shelby, ERA, etc. is just exercising their brain cells to stave off dementia.
IMO, there is no reason not to use better suspension, brakes, Tremecs, engines, hose clamps, gauges, wiring, one trunk battery, etc., but admittedly, there are "purists" out there, but to me, that's the "greater fool theory."
Purity? On a CSX4000? Stop, you're killing me.
Yes, we all know your view on the "replica" issue. Your view conflicts with SAACs and the SAAC World Registry of Cobras >40s which is the authoritative position that I and many agree with.
Aside from Whether it's a Cobra or a replica of one...
When you want to recreate something "as it was" physically the closer you stay to original specification the "purer" it is to being pure from a duplication standpoint and will behave and have the charter of what it is supposed to be duplicating.
There are some ingredients you can improve like materials without affecting aesthetics or dimensions. Some do improve performance. Some take you farther away from being exact to original spec than others. How far away from center do you want to be?