It's not a beautiful car. Too much front overhang, the rear panel area is a mess. I even question it's high speed aerodynamics design with those air bucket/ parachute air intakes.
I think homogulation rules should include a cap on the MSRP based on some factor of median wage in the country of production.
Designed to fit a specific body of rules, it fails as a design for everyday drivers, and falls far short of what is currently offered by other manufacturers.
I have a neighbor with a Viper who literally uses it to get groceries and run errands with. Another with a Corvette ditto, plus he commutes in it. Either of the vehicles would be quicker than this mongrel Ford, and both would be many orders cheaper than it.
If you want to race trotters, you need a sulky, if you want to race in whatever class this thing is made for, then you need either it, or something that doesn't require your supplier of a race car, to pummel the ground with his fists and feet in a hissy fit tantrum to get the rules changed to match his car's features.
600HP is a joke in the "supercar" category. This is more of a purpose-designed go kart in concept. Maybe next they will turn their engineers loose on a go kart.