Not Ranked
"T" Shirts for the run:
I'm leaving town for a week and won't be able to get on the web so if you have any questions or comments, please direct them to Walt (Slab Daddy) Tomsic or to Keith Vincent. I'll be back on the 28th.
Steve Rauch has put the "T" shirt thing together and he will post the info here today. Let's all get behind this and order shirts. The price sure looks good and I'm sure they will be very nice. So get your orders to him asap.
I checked the reservations in the route hotels and so far there are about 14. If you haven't made reservations, please do so now. Even if you are not sure you can make the run please reserve a room. You don't have to guarantee the room, just make the reservation. If you can't make it, NBD.
See ya all in a week,
Last edited by Bish Wheeler; 04-19-2002 at 11:04 AM..