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My favorites are the douchebag answers like, 'No, it's not a kit it's a factory built reproduction' or some other meaningless minutiae meant to set yourself apart from the lesser fake Cobra owners. Nobody cares what the ad copy says they just want to know if you're driving your 1.4 million dollar car through the bank drive-thru or not. I don't tell them it's a 'period correct hand-laid vinylester body on a period correct twin 4" tube frame, blah, blah' like it says on Factory Five's video. I just say, "No, it's a kit I built about 10 years ago." and then they say, "Well it's pretty cool." or something like that.
KISS and you get less dumb responses.
"Cobra-Cobra-bo-bobra, banana-fanna-fo-fobra, fe-fi-mo-mobra...Cobra!"