Originally Posted by rodneym
If it wasn't for the dual rollbars, she would have said, "Twelve thousand."
Ahhh, well let me tell you another story. Thirty years or so ago, I was young in my career, and I was flying through LAX. I was in first class and, when I boarded the plane, imagine my surprise and delight to be seated next to Burt Reynolds. I nodded "hello" to him, but we did not speak during the short flight. However, towards the end of the flight he asked me to pass him a magazine from across the isle, which I did, and I said
"by the way, I'm a big fan of yours." He smiled politely at me and said
"I'm not Burt Reynolds." Well, that depressed me for the rest of the day. Had that man simply smiled and nodded, or had he even said
"I really appreciate that, thanks." it would have made my week, and I would have remembered it to this day. And so, my dear Rodney, I view the
"Is it real?" scenario to be in a similar vein. Others, of course, will disagree.