I had a 57 A, Got it when I was 15 and drove it till 19. Wish I had it back, some good and not so good memories. I redid the engine, bored with a little bigger cam, kept the twin SU carbs. Great car, drove and abused it as a boy that age can. Would cruise all day long at 70. Speaking of the wooden floor boards, had mine catch on fire one day coming home from school, smoke then flames coming up between my legs, quickly pulled over and started throwing dirt in on the floor to put it out, too much
oil-grease on the underside. Cruising down the freeway one day hood came unlatched, flew up bent over the windscreen and bashed me on the head, almost knocked me out. Even hand cranked it to start it for a while when I couldn’t afford batteries for it. Cornered pretty well as long as you kept the shocks full of