Originally Posted by glenview289
Nige - This will be a fun thread to follow. It looks like you are making some fast initial progress. One suggestion, sooner or later you will need a buck to hold the body and sooner may be better. That Pilgram body without the liner panels looks a little flimsy balancing on the tires in your yard. Before any final fit ups it may be best to get the body supported and squared up to ensure you do not build any twists or misalignments into it. Good luck with the build.
Hi Bill, thanks for the advice, it's appreciated, but at this stage the whole of the front is fairly rigid & isn't likely to take a twist or warp in any way around the grille area as the compound curves are very rigid. It was only put up on the tyres temporarily, and at the moment it's sat on the floor supported where nescessary
It'll be coming into the workshop very soon & it'll be mounted to a jig to hold it all in place prior to any real structural modifications taking place.