Originally Posted by Rob. Smith
How much paint to cover a Cobra ? I'm an occasional painter and the last one I painted was a 73 fast back Mustang It took 6 Litres of colour and the same with clear ! that was one big car.!
Depends on many factors/variables:
1. What the colour is.
2. Are you planning on using a colour-sympathetic ground coat, primer or sealer?
3. What brand of paint is being used?
4. What paint system is being used - COB or DG?
5. Are you laying painted stripes?
6. Are you painting under the bonnet and boot, as well as inside the doors?
7. How clean is your paint environment and your painter hygeine?
8. How much experience do you have as a painter?
9. What size fluid cap are you using on your spray gun?
10. What grit are you planning on finishing the car in prior to paint - wet or dry?
11. Is it a new paintjob or a repaint?
You could use anywhere between approximately 3 litres to 9 litres sprayable.