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Considering your questions on the several threads you started, I think you're taking the wrong approach to deciding on an engine for your car. I respectfully suggest you contact one of the several respected engine builders mentioned on this forum and simply tell them what you want the end result to be. For example, your priorities might be:
1. Fun to drive at the speeds and RPM you are likely to see on the street.
2. Low maintenance (so you're not messing with tuning multiple carbs or adjusting valves several times a year).
3. At least 14 MPG during normal highway driving.
4. Can be upgraded to higher performance (and lower MPG) at a reasonable cost when desired.
Then, let the expert decide what combination of components will best yield the results you want. .... Or you can come back here and get the opinions of people who may or may not know as much about engines as they think they do.
Cheetah tribute completed 2021 (
Previously owned EM Cobra
"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." - Hanlon's Razor