Just so the Qld mob know that there is other locations out side of Queensland.
A severe category 4 has also crossed the coast of the far north in the Northern Territory.
Meanwhile at Pipalyatjara (A location of one of the Aboriginal clinics I manage) has not seen a max below 40 since very early January.
Where I live in Alice Springs, we had summer rains in January, we managed about 380mm from memory, this was almost double what we had in 2014.
Originally Posted by Donunder
The morning news is that this cyclone has intensified to a Cat 5 and we're expecting 295 kmh wind gusts and up to 400 mm of rain in the Bundaberg area which was subjected to devastating flooding only two years ago. Looks like the sugar cane crop for this year is gone.
North Queenslanders are used to seasonal cyclones but this one is a doozy and will strike much further south than usual. Fingers crossed for those in its path. Yeppoon near Rockhampton is going to be all but obliterated. Good luck everyone, we're thinking of you.
Cruising in 5th
Never be afraid to do something new, Remember, Amateurs built the Ark: Professionals built the Titanic.