To further explain what I did… there was a two fold purpose to this project: the first was to give a more period correct look to the seat track adjusting rods and the second was to make the passenger seat adjustable. As you know Superformance simply bolts the passenger seat to the floor. If it is possible to order a car with both seats adjustable is unknown to me, but with the new style seat tracks it appears that it would be possible.
The new adjusting handle was made from 5/16 rod, heated and bent to approximately 15° and threaded at each end to accept a threaded sleeve at one end and the Leveroll knob at the other as shown in the following photo.
You are right, in the photo the passenger seat has a copper wire controlling the adjustment on the seat lever. It has since been changed to a larger diameter brazing rod which is what Superformance appears to use.
I did try to modify the track to make the adjusting knob be a mirror image of the drivers side and have it next to the transmission tunnel, but it turned out to be a much more difficult job than I was willing to do. If I had another set of seat tracks I would have tackled the problem, but with only one, hard to find set, I wasn't willing to turn them into a sacrificial lamb. There is precedent for having it on the outside… here is a photo of csx 2425.
I hope this clarifies my earlier response.
Thanks Jeff for the kind words… a real compliment coming from you.