Originally Posted by mrmustang
Would you be so stupid as to do this? Honestly, do you believe in what you post, or just want to post for the shock and awe factor.
He was drunk and got behind the wheel of the car, that was his mistake, regardless of what type of car it was. He got in to an accident and cost the life of his passenger, that was mistake number two. Can't wait to hear his excuses in court so he can make mistake number three, PERJURY.
While I can't disagree with anything you've said, and nor do I think Patrick needs the support, but IF you are being honest, he makes a valid point here, merely offering the other side of the coin.
I DONT like it one little bit, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist... or that your/our/a legal system sadly wouldn't see and choose this side of the coin.
YES, the law can stink!