Originally Posted by Jerry Clayton
blown power valve
California Winter blend gas
after it has been setting a couple of days, take out one of the corner float bowl screws and catch wathever amount of fuel is in there with a small cup
after you have cranked it over to fill the float bowls up to the site windows ( don't run it and get it hot) do the same drain and compare the amounts of fuel (do both primary and secondary)
Will try this, but what will we learn from this exercise? I assume there would definitely be lots more fuel after the bowls are full. Thanks!
Originally Posted by GBowman
As for the spacer...I have BDR #1230 and had heat soak issues. Now using a "Cool Carb" spacer which has eliminated my problem. I don't have a link but you can find them easily.
Unfortunately no room under the hood for even a 1/4" spacer. But even with the bowls evaporating I am still able to fill them up by cranking the engine for 5-6 seconds. But for some reason the process of filling the bowls floods the cold engine. Have to guess that it must be as others have stated, some kind of leak somewhere