Excellent customer service and pricing:
Welders Equipment | Welding Supplies | Welding Machines | Plasma Cutting Machines | Used Plasma Cutters | Welding Helmets | MIG TIG Welders | Welders Supply Company Beloit-Big Bend-Burlington Wisconsin and Rockford, Illinois. In addition there are some great rebates from Miller. For example a Millermatic 211 for $1087 from weldersupply and you get free shipping and not taxes depending on where you live. Miller rebate is $200 so total price is $887!!!!!! You can also get $400 rebate with a millemratic 211 and $400 worth of miller supplies. So you can get the Millermatic 211 with aluminium spool gun ($215) plus wire, cover, safety gear for $1087. I have been looking for over a year and this is the lowest price I have ever seen on a Millermatic 211 quite possibly the worlds best selling dual voltage mig maching. Weldersupply also provided a real mom and pop type customer service.