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bill s.,
before I bought this kart, I seen one in person, a guy had same frame e start down to wiring switches body, etc.... he said he had gotten his from a Goodyear dealer, in the mid 80's that it was a promotional run that every Goodyear dealer got 2. I'm wondering if it is true and they got the molds from a amusement park ride, I looked for around 5yrs. after seeing his before I found mine, every thing was identical, so makes me want to lean toward there being some type of limited production run on this build with this frame, unless it was a popular good fit of a amusement park mold?? still open to anyone having any old ads or pictures, with this type body, have few months before I make anymore changes to it, to try and find out exactly who made them and if it was some sort of production line build, since I have seen 2 now in person and some pics of the same body without a frame floating around the internet. know its not worth much but you don't see many which what makes it different.
Not hear to make a thread like speedomans' from 2011 lol just looking for a time frame or manufactor, of it or try and confirm the stories I've heard. this is in no way a publicity sells pitch! everyone has a reason to copy the legendary cobra, but with out its creation this group wouldn't be here, we wouldn't have the head turning, icon's that make such a conversational prop....hats off to the creator for his ingenuity, and passion for the masses.. 1 man does make a difference.
Last edited by wagx2; 03-25-2015 at 10:02 AM..
Reason: make a statement