Scott -
You will thoroughly enjoy the Woodward Avenue Dream Cruise. The largest display of Cobra replicas is usually the GLCC. We gather on Hazel Street, on the West side of Woodward Ave., about a block South of Maple Rd. Parking with our group is done on a pre-registered basis - we have to pay the city for our parking area. If you send me an e-mail, I'll get you the details.
There is also usually a pretty large gathering of FFR guys - Greg Kulp normally organizes their parking arrangements.
No matter who you park with, you want to plan on arriving EARLY on Saturday morning, like around 7:00 or 8:00AM. By 9:00AM, traffic will be slowing down, by 10:00AM, it will be CRAWLING up and down Woodward.
Each year, the festivities start earlier. The official cruise is only on Saturday, but local cruisers will start cruising Woodward the Saturday before, and each evening, the number of cruisers on Woodward Ave. progressively grows.
The cruising area is about 16 miles of Woodward Avenue, through about 8 cities. Each town is sponsoring some kind of activities or car shows. The Police are usually pretty accomodating - I have seen open headers, slicks, real race-cars, and plenty of whacky one-offs out there. They do NOT tolerate any burn-outs, and will ticket for drag-racing, speeding, or burning rubber. That doesn't stop a lot of people from showing off, though.
Our group usually takes a parade-lap (20-30 cars) up and down Woodward, though each year, as the numbers (of OTHER cruisers) increase, we have had to make our lap earlier and earlier. Most people with big-engine cars like to get there early, sit back, relax, and watch.
It's a blast from the past you will never forget!
Jeff Burgy