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They are not difficult to do basic tuning on if in good shape. Or are you thinking they may need some re-jetting or secondary timing adjustments or other modifications?
Basic tuning is to think of them as one carb with twice as many barrels to adjust. Adjust the idle mixture screws on both carbs, going back and forth until you have the higest vacuum reading or idle speed. You are adjusting 4 idle mixture screws instead of two. Then close the throttle blades by backing out the idle speed crews until the blades just barely close. Then open them both an equal number of turns until your idle speed is where you want it. If it needs to be increased or lowered, adjust both idle speed screws the same amount. Both carbs need to be equally contributing at idle. For full throttle, block the linkage to full open and make sure the rear carb primary valves are fully open also. If not adjust the linkage to the rear carb to bring it full open with the front carb.