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What we did - right or wrong.... YMMV.
Others may disagree....
If you are close and it runs, follow Dan's advice. If you can't get it to run at all, block one carb off (we used a plastic bag), and tune the other carb to idle. Then block that carb off and tune the second one to idle. This will get you close where it should run - although at a higher idle than you want.
Then follow Dan's advice above. Tune for best RPM at idle adjusting all mixture screws, then set idle with idle screws. Set linkage for all the throttle blades to hit WOT at the same time.
My buddy has his set where he idles on both carbs. However, until he is about 20% into the first (rear) carb, the second (front) carb stays on idle. When the throttle is pushed >20% the second (front) carb starts to open and they both hit WOT at the same point.