Originally Posted by NewYorkGuy
you're the lawyer. read mr. becker's new lawsuit. at Barrett Jackson auction in Jan 2015 (3 months ago), Shelby sales guys (whoever they are) sold directly to the public all or most of the 50th anniversary cars.
l dont think Shelby bosses want to open up their company book keeping in court. did all profits from the sold 50th annv cars go to company or did shelby sales people pocket money on the side? We will find out in court... or never. previous lawsuit by mr becker was settled out of court . shelby paid undisclosed amount.
only thing Shelby manufactures is a VIN number. thats what the dealers and public are paying for. the VIN number.
Just perhaps you are reading the allegation literally. If SAI salesmen were selling Cobras in the back alley for themselves then I would think SAI would have it's own claim against its sales people or former sales people.
Why would SAI be afraid to show it's books in court? It should be pretty easy to establish who made the sales...i.e. SAI or its dealers.