A small progress update since the car has returned home.
A lot of little bits happening slowly as my primary project is actually getting another shed erected. This has taken priority as the trimmer's shed extension wont be finished to mid year.
So some night work has seen these bits completed:
Swinging bonnet with stay and a difficult to see painted latch but that was the idea.
I wanted a clean bonnet look ie no traditional handles so I amended a bonnet lock and had it painted to let it blend in too. Had the bright idea to nicely finish off and hide the release cable in braided brake line and it all works well.
Started to rewire the boot light and fit up my rollbar parts so I refit the boot stay and have had some boot time.
Also go tthe boot latch in place and working and now just awaiting a stainless number plate holder to fit behind the light and I can finish off the boot external parts.
Hope this week to seal off the rollbar openings and afix the bezels and get close to finishing off the boot electrics.
As to the shed project, I've gone from this 3 x 3m garden shed
To this 8 x 4m fleabay special
Just starting to do the form work to be able to pour the slab and then the tin can be reattached once converted from galvanised finish to a light mist green.
With this shed finished hopefully the miriad of golf bags and buggeys, assorted gardening equipment, my middle son's two motor bikes and goodness what other crap will be able to finally housed but still be accessable. They do say you can't have enough storage space!!
Perhaps I could help my youngest bloke start his first car kit in this back shed too.
He needs the practice as his dream car is at GT40!!