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Still looking. I make the rounds between Craigslist, Autotrader Classics, Ebay, Cobra Country and a few other sites. After a while you see the same cars that have been for sale for a year. Here is a hint, it only takes a week or two to sell a car or boat in this price range. If it takes longer, there is a problem.
I have found a car locally with IRS & a 408 stroker but I don't know much else about it. I am waiting on the owner to call me back. Hint number two, if you have something for sale, return phone calls when someone inquires about it. Selling is a job and it you treat it like a job, you will get good results.
I did see as E type Jag that was practically identical to the one I bid on at Mecum. It was in great shape and recently serviced with an asking price $69K. The one at Mecum needed much work for $84K plus the 8% premium and I stopped at $50K. That helps validate the craziness of the auction prices that weekend.
The search is on!