Tommy's and the other's points are right on.
Cobras are not Detroit or German engineered and every one of them is different.
An analogy might by like horses....
A Corvette or a Porsche is a well bred and well trained thoroughbred that you can hop on and ride anytime and pretty much know what to expect.
A Cobra is like buying a wild horse with little history on temperament or behavior until you get to know it. It will buck, snort, stink, bite and hurt you if you let it. They require proper care and feeding if you want a chance to get along with it.
With time and proper training, you can learn how it behaves and how to ride it but always respect the fact that if you let it, it will turn on you in the blink of an eye.
They are not for everyone, but as you can see by following this site there are plenty of folks out there that love them!