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Old 05-13-2015, 08:05 PM
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When you go back and read the article carefully no where do they say they are using original 1965 chassis. The quotes from the trust representative do not go so far as to say this, however, the language is misleading. They are "completing" the run of the 100 needed "competition" cars but then they talk of SC spec cars. Which are they doing S/C or comp cars? The original run was to be comp cars for homlogation.

My recollection of the entire "completion" car fiasco was that it was established there were no original chassis left. Is my recollection correct or am I imagining this? If that was already conceded how is it now that they found original chassis again?????

I think we are reading into the article too much but as noted it is misleading. You need to read it VERY carefully.

Also, AC never just shipped chassis to my knowledge. They were turn key minus in todays terms as someone already noted. The CSX chassis numbers would have already been stamped in by AC at the factory so why do numbers now need to be assigned? Also if the chassis are left from 1965 why did McClusky need to fit up jigs?. Buck and tooling for bodies yes but jigs for chassis? What for if they already exist?

I think what we will find is that this is a special run of "comp" Cobras to be finished to comp specs by DeBenedeste with all the bells and whistles or SC spec cars all assigned CSX 3000 numbers picking up where they left off with the last run of "completion cars" for which a premium will be charged for the 3000 serial number and for "charity".

My take.

Why doesn't someone here call the number in the article and find out?

NYGuy you seem interested and the investigative journalist type why not follow up and report back? Seems like you have plenty of time on your hands.
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Last edited by REAL 1; 05-13-2015 at 08:10 PM..
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