Originally Posted by REAL 1
David: Please don't take my criticisms as directed at you or Kirkham. They are not. Whoever's project this is and is selling them is responsible in my book to inventory the valuable items being sold and provide build sheets. While I am not arguing or questioning whether Bill's word is good or not, if I am spending upwards of $500,000.00 for what is supposed to be in these cars I want more than a handshake and a smile.
I still object (for whatever that's worth) to the use of the term "completion series" and using the CSX 3000 vin for these cars.
It would also be appreciated if the build sheet of one of these cars that is finished as close to original spec as is possible with what is available could be supplied to us on this site. It would likely be appreciated by all of us who value and appreciate historical accuracy and are always striving to improve what we have to that level. It would be a valuable reference tool cost nothing to provide it to us here provided it is ever created if it does not already exist for this project.
I certainly don't take any offense at all. What you (and Ned) do is
critical to keeping our industry on the up and up (and other industries). All industries need watchdogs (too bad there aren't more of them in politics). I am very serious when I said I dearly appreciate good lawyers (because I have dealt with so many bad ones). Everything you said is
exactly what I would expect of my own lawyer.
As a buyer I wouldn't blame you one bit for wanting a detailed list of what you are buying. It is just that in my experience (among these types of buyers) they rarely want one (it does happen, however).
"I still object (for whatever that's worth) to the use of the term "completion series" and using the CSX 3000 vin for these cars."
I actually see both sides of this. Ned's (and Evan's) side is it to keep the history straightforward and matter of fact. It's very, very important you guys are around and naughtiness abounds. Shelby's side is, "Hey these are our numbers and we can do with them what we want." They do have a point.
I'll keep looking for the photos. I probably mislabeled the folder.
I just got off the phone with the guys at DenBeste and they confirmed we did NOT make the car in the press release. The car we made hasn't been painted yet.