Originally Posted by REAL 1
Quote by David Kirkham ...."Maybe that one in the press release isn't the one we built? I'm pretty sure we are not the only one building these".
My response...OEY VEY!!!!! Now we have these parts spread all over ...where???? to how many???? Just who has what????
What a hash they are making of this. First by referring to them as CSX 3000 vin cars. Yes, I guess they call them whatever they want but just because you call a banana an apple doesn't make it an apple. They are adulterating, clouding and mucking up their own history in my view.
Hey that's my line!
Well, some (ME) would say Shelby mucked it all up with the CSX 4000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, etc.
Personally, I can't wait for the 40th Anniversary "Gumball Rally" Edition. Trust me, it's a coming.