Originally Posted by twobjshelbys
1. The cars are to be built on McClusky chassis built for the original "Completion" cars and have the CSX 3000 vins already stamped on them.
A: Yes
2. DeBeneste (and others?) have a stock pile of original parts they will bolt to these chassis.
A: Yes
3. Some bodies are made by McClusky some are Kirkham.
A: no
4. The cars will be built all to original spec as close as possible or if the customer does not want to pay for the "Full Monty" a lesser then 100% spec car can be built.
A: Customers don't get to choose. Earlier cars will have more original era parts until the supply is depleted then new or recreation parts will be used. The recipe will be in the build sheet.
5. You can specify SC or comp spec.
A: don't know but I think the press release said S/C
6. I would hope someone is doing a detailed inventory of parts documenting there are sufficient original parts in all regards to build the remaining homologation run and providing a cross referenced build sheet.
A: Your honor, is there a question here?
7. The MSO's are all signed by Carroll at the time the original completion project was on the runway getting ready to take off.
A: That is what I was told but that makes it heresay. Maybe you should ask the source so you get your own answer.
8. This new project is a "revisiting" of that defunct and discredited "Completion" project with a new spin. The spin being they are now up front in saying the chassis are not real original CSX 3000 chassis but the cars are fitted with all original parts or at least the fully optioned ones.
A: Your honor, the prosecution is pontificating. Is there a question here?
9. This project is really the "inside out" of the old defunct one. The old defunct "Completion" project you were supposedly getting an original CSX 3000 chassis with most new parts to original or close to original spec. This project is the reverse. New chassis with old parts.
A: Objection your honor. That question was asked and answered in a different form.
10. Both projects would/are still produce/ing a car that is not what it purports to be. A Cobra of the original CSX 3000 series. As I said GOD himself couldn't change that fact.
A: Objection. The prosecution is pontificating and making conclusions. Is there a question here
Tony: Some of your objections would be sustained for sure. Good job. My bad.
Ok. Here are some better questions for the witness...
1. Are the cars to be Kirkham bodied?
2. Are the cars to be McClusky bodied?
3. Is there a master inventory being made.
4. Is that master inventory being cross referenced with the builds as the go to reflect dwindling inventory?
5. Does the buyer get a detailed build sheet?
6. Is there any chance at all your wife will let you buy one if you promise to move to a state that will let you register it?
7. Are all the MSO noted with the limitation "For closed course use/off road use only" or the equivalent?
8. Can we get a build sheet of one of the first cars posted here? Did you ask?
9. Is the master inventory and build sheets verified as to the original parts by a known and respected expert and if so who???