Originally Posted by REAL 1
Moreover, I don't believe these cars will be well received by SAAC or the Cobra community across the board due to their use of the 3000 series vins.
I'm not so sure of that at all. There may be a few owners of original 1960's CSX3000 cars, who might welcome it. Why? Those first few Resurrection Cobras could be stuffed with lots of OEM parts. Why not buy the Resurrection Cobra to help restore your real original 1960's 3000 Cobra? Then get a bunch of run-of-the-mill parts from Shelby or Kirkham to put the Resurrection Cobra back together and then dump it on the market. Sure you would lose some money on the deal, but then you would use those OEM parts to restore you're genuine 1960's Cobra. Consider the cost difference on the buy and sell of the Resurrection Cobra as a portion of your restoration cost.