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Cam to use with Webers question
I'm building a 428 and have a 48IDF Weber system for it set up by Jim Inglese. Originally I was going with a Holley 3310 so I bought a suitable solid roller cam for it. I contacted the cam vendor the other day and the guy said that my cam was probably not a good choice for an IR system as it has too much overlap which can cause intake reversion. Question is what are the effects of intake reversion? How much is too much overlap? Only cam specs I have are:
Cam: Herbert CGH2
Duration @ .050 240/240
Lift .640
Lobe sep 110
Lobe center 110
For some reason they don't publish the intake/exhaust open-close event specs so I don't know what the overlap is. I have a degree wheel on the engine now & will get those numbers this weekend. It will be rare that I will rev past 6000 (I say that now) but I suspect reversion is more of an issue at lower rpms. True? Just what happens during reversion?
I suppose I should mention that a smooth idle is not desired and engine vacuum is not needed.
Last edited by ksquared; 05-29-2015 at 02:27 PM..
Reason: Add info