Originally Posted by deano59
i think brad needs to do a road trip to south aust lol so we can meet and greet his mistress
Hi Deano and all the others,
Its a very nice feeling sitting in the Cobra in the passengers seat and being chauffeured around by an extremely competent driver .
On another note I can't drive Don's Arentz because I can't reach the foot pedals,I am too short one end.
I had intended to drive (Cobrina) My wife has named the Cobra that ,to Victoria's Shelbyfest that was held recently but time and business commitments stopped me doing that.
However the road trip to the south is nearly on because I think the Taxi business has been sold,(he has paid the deposit and id making all the right inquiries and noises for an end of July settlement.
Also I was at the Pace factory yesterday (It seems that I can't stay away from the place) and saw the Carbon fiber insert on both sides of the rear bulkhead to give the driver and passenger an extra 50 mm of room.
It looked so kool that i might do it to Cobrina time will tell.
See you at the QLD Cobra Club Breakfast those who are attending
P.S. Don the Taxi meter in Cobrina was broken so I don' know how much the fare was for the drive haha .