Originally Posted by kevins2
Thanks Bill. It is the Canton 15-820, and no oil cooler hooked up. Bill, when you say "put 6 quarts in the pan" do you mean directly in the pan or ok to pour in through the valve cover as normal for calibration purposes?
I assume you meant me when you posed the question.
Drain the pan as completely as you can (not necessary to remove it), then add 6 quarts through the valve cover. Give it lots of time to drain, probably 10 minutes, then check the level on the dipstick and mark accordingly. Then add another quart, let it drain another 10 minutes and check the level for your 'Full' mark. After that you can start it up, let things circulate for a bit, then shut it down and check the level after it's had some time to drain down. PITA, but you should only have to do it once.