Most engines when driven hard or are very warm if restarted after a short shut off, experience this problem. The engines are hot. One of the assist's is better grounding. Another assist is the cold cranking amps of your battery. For optimum starting performance, concider purchasing a battery with 800 cold starting amps. These batteries cost over 400 dollars up here in Canada. You might get six years of use out of any battery. I used a dry cell battery. Heavy, you bet. But when I stop for a Coffee, I better take 15 minutes so the toy will restart. Also, with 12 to 1 comp., it takes a we bit to restart her any way. The carb. is a Holley 4150 ( 880 CFM.) with no choke and 4 full time venturies. The big block 466 is a wee bit nasty anyway. Not really a daily driver.