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The frogs and Turtles are packing and moving away from up here. Per the so called scientists California is going to run out of water within the next year. I know that if they do let more water out of Shasta like the environmentalists want, the lake will be virtually dry within 3 months at most. Also there will be major electric shortages as they are already talking about shutting down one of the generators and if they have to let more water out to keep the darn fish happy, then they are going to have to shut down more generators soon. And the environmentalists will be the first to start whining. The houseboats in the video are stranded as they can't get them out of that cove. There are other videos that show houseboats up on blocks as the water is completely gone from where those docks used to be. Also videos of Lake Meade and that Arizona may be cut off from water soon.
Last edited by Ron61; 06-28-2015 at 02:10 AM..