Originally Posted by mrmustang
I'm thinking that your sister is not giving you the whole story, or if she did, then when you posted it here, something got lost in translation. I say this as no town is going to come in and offer compensation to a private property owner for a procedural screw-up without a lawsuit.
Bill S.
And certainly not without a public process including zoning board hearings on the infraction and town board/city council on the compensation or damages.
Something has been lost in the translation here.
Originally Posted by DanEC
This would be my guess also. At least locally part of this process includes getting signed statements from all the neighbors that they do not (or do) object to the variance. Then the board has to make a decision. If it's a true blight on the neighborhood and the neighbors stand together the board might take a stand against it - who knows. If your sister's the lone objector I would not bet they deny the variance.
I suspect that the contacts made to the neighbor are in fact part of this process and that the matter is already in front of the planning/zoning board or board of adjustments. In our code comments were formally requested by written legal notice of any property owner within 300' of the subject property. And no offers are ever made, it's just a notice to attend the public hearing on the matter.
City Attorneys do not make deals, the public board would...