Originally Posted by Gary(SF)
Hey, give your vote to whoever you want, that's one of the best things about America. But be aware you are being played. Trump has given quite a bit of money to the Clintons over the years, and was registered as a Dem for much of his life, don't know when he switched. This run strikes me as Donald trying to keep his name in the news, not a serious run for the presidency. And, oh yes, the facts sometimes get in the way of his red-meat statements.
Fact-checking Donald Trump | PolitiFact
I am well aware of his past in making contributions to the dems and the Clintons. Everyone makes mistakes.
Whether he is serious only he knows but I doubt anyone would stick their neck in that fire ring unless they were serious. He has already had a number of companies headed by libs pull deals costing him lots of money and he hasn't backed down or cowered to "correctness" pressure.
Americans are historically are rough and ready and a "red meat" kind of country historically.. We aren't Europe who fancies themselves as superior except they conveniently forget they are either a country whose ass we kicked or whose ass we saved. After 8 years of a pansy socialist whose most masculine imagine is riding his bike at Martha's Vinyard in his knickers, white cotton socks, Nikes and safety Helmet we need our "red meat" again.
I'd rather have Trump across the table from the Iranians than Obama every second of every minute, every minute of every hour, every hour of every day, every day of every week and every year. You?
I'd rather have a man with the guts, brains and balls that it takes to build up a billion dollar empire then a man that never ran a lemonade stand in my White House and a man that respects the Constitution rather than one that thinks its an antiquated document that needs "reform" and a man who says it like it is rather than saying whatever suits him at the time to accomplish his agenda.