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Cobra Country is the ONLY place to sell a high end Cobra. Do you think he was trying to hurt your feelings?????? HE was trying to help you!!!!!!!!!! Archaic website, similar to everyone who buys a Cobra..... 95% of Cobras are sold sight unseen, pics either make it break it. I thank CC for making over $30K on 3 different cars. High price for an add, LOL, you are asking how much for your car? Penny wise dollar fool. Oh I am trying to help also, listen to his photo suggestions, use a tape measure, ladder, white shower curtain and your photos will be done in an hour with car sold after add listed. The hardest part is finding a good photo location, I like very early in morning just as Sun is coming up but not hitting car, remember brightest NATURAL shade of the day!!! No trees or buildings