Originally Posted by madmaxx
Cobra Country is the ONLY place to sell a high end Cobra. Do you think he was trying to hurt your feelings?????? HE was trying to help you!!!!!!!!!! Archaic website, similar to everyone who buys a Cobra..... 95% of Cobras are sold sight unseen, pics either make it break it. I thank CC for making over $30K on 3 different cars. High price for an add, LOL, you are asking how much for your car? Penny wise dollar fool. Oh I am trying to help also, listen to his photo suggestions, use a tape measure, ladder, white shower curtain and your photos will be done in an hour with car sold after add listed. The hardest part is finding a good photo location, I like very early in morning just as Sun is coming up but not hitting car, remember brightest NATURAL shade of the day!!! No trees or buildings
Maxx Are you talking to me here? Trying to hurt my feelings? Of course not. I know he was trying to help. And I did spend
hours with a tape measure, step ladder and white shower curtain. If you see an issue with my pics please let me know. Didn't say anything about the price but did say that I got exactly 1 enquiry from the ad and that person tried to lowball me while accusing me of being a dealer. Go figure. I'm glad that you've had success on CC and if you have any tips I'm listening intently. Just like I did with Curt, who advanced my understanding of photography by magnitudes.
mtrain2000 thie picture that I posted here is directly linked to my ebay ad so how it can look better here than on ebay I don't know but suspect some web filtering. Here's one linked from my CC ad: