Thread: Mark III Build
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Old 07-19-2015, 12:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Detroit Bill View Post
I do want to mount a fire extinguisher on the back bulkhead between the seats.
I have not worked with a lot of fiberglass. Should I just use a sheet metal screw or should I through bolt?
I've toyed with the idea of 'molly' type expandable anchors ( gestConfigId=6&s_pp=false&picUrl=//$smthumb$) or 'blind jack nuts' (STAINLESS STEEL BLIND JACK NUTS / IMPERIAL RIVETS & FASTENERS CO., INC.), but haven't tried them due to the possibility of creating stress cracks in the fiberglass.

I have a tool to set Rivnuts or blind nuts, but have never used it in fiberglass, as I believe it would stress fiberglass even more than would molly anchors. I found an old dune buggy thread where they debate the issue, and it seems their consensus is similar to mine: bolting things to fiberglass

Any of the above would probably work if you used a metallic backing plate behind the fiberglass, but if you're going to do that it may be just as easy (or easier) to through-bolt it.

Given the weight of a fire extinguisher and the G-forces it will be exposed to, I'd be inclined to through-bolt it. I through-bolted the electric fuel pump in my trunk, and it weighs a lot less than a fire extinguisher.

On another note, sounds like the first drive(s) have fulfilled your expectations - at least so far. Enjoy.

Good to hear your wife enjoys it - mine says she enjoys it far more than she thought she would. Then again, she's one of those people that jumped out of a perfectly good aircraft - for fun.
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