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Dean....the Two Wells copper was probably the same one who spoke to me a couple of times at Port Gawler beach when I had to try to explain that no, I wasn't racing my kart on the beach. The J3 was my racecar (OK, go-kart) transport. It's OK spookypt, there is some relativity to the thread.
The first Bedford J3 did easy U-ies, hanging the tail out in the Virginia main street (duals on the rear, no load, wet road) and I even remember trying a second to third gearchange mid U-ie. That J3 met its end late one night in a head-on with a drunk driver on PW road. A couple of messages there...if you drink, don't drive, and if you drive, don't hit a truck, even a little one. My dad was OK physically, the drunk driver died.
That first J3 I used for Christmas hayrides on the Virginia or Elizabeth backblocks, or One Tree Hill and Snake Gully.
The replacement J was a smaller one with singles on the rear, and it was really only half the truck.
Last edited by xb-60; 07-21-2015 at 12:29 PM..