Originally Posted by Detroit Bill
I am in the process of looking for a building. Around here there are 10,000 sq foot buildings and 100,000+. I'd like 40 with room to grow. Building new is expensive. We are busting at the seams also. They say good problem to have, doesn't feel like it. A new building is a big distraction from the core business.
100K for power is obscene especially if you don't own the building.
I will say one thing, the amount of work that can be done with electricity for the $ is incredible.
Ahhh, someone who understands the problem. Looking for property is a huge distraction. The more you look the less you produce. What is even more maddening is people who have "For Sale" signs on property that really don't want to sell. I have been at the signing 3 times now only to have more and more conditions added (after we already agreed on a price). Once I was literally at the title company when more conditions were added. I just got up and walked. People who waste my time are immediately cut off...forever.
The impact fees are unreal. We looked briefly in St. George but our builder told us to not even think about it. Impact fees are $200,000-$300,000. I guess we will keep looking in northern Utah. Sigh.