Thread: Mark III Build
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Old 07-30-2015, 11:01 AM
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Originally Posted by Detroit Bill View Post
The view out of my office window today

Yeah, I really hate that look <sarcasm>. The size of a Cobra still floors me when I see one (mine or another) parked next to, quite frankly, pretty much anything. They seem so small from the outside, yet big enough from the inside.

Last week I went to give blood (75th whole blood donation, BTW) and parked it in a visible location on the side of a fairly busy street about a block away. When I was done giving blood and walking back to the car I could see it from about a half block away and reminded again of how low it is - particularly relative to its width. This is the view motorists see when approaching from behind, and I'm sure many see it and wonder WTH is that - though of course the '66COBRA' license plate is a bit of a giveaway once they get close enough to read that.

I'm sure you've already heard it, but I also get a lot of comments about the size of the engine when the hood is open, to which my normal response is: "It's a small car wrapped around a big engine."

Always fun.
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