Thread: Which GT40?
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Old 08-02-2015, 09:11 AM
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Originally Posted by Evoking View Post

4) btw my wife rode in factory five Daytona. She was fine;-). These higher end ones are only better no?

5) regarding Cobra I drove a Shell Valley over weekend. Not impressed. I'm sure Backdraft or Kirkham mych better
#4: But for how long? My wife told me she'd had enough on a 2 hour road trip her feet were so hot she put the out the side of the door. The Cobra to the Daytona Coupe is evolutionary. But the GT40 is not. I'm dead serious that if you are thinking about one of these you need to find someone with one that will take the time to educate you on it. It is a dead serious one on race car. I know three people who own them and they echo my assessment: Driver's car, not long trips, and passengers will hate you for anything more than a spin around the block. Oh and you can't open the windows.

#5: Backdraft can be had in the same price range, but Kirkham makes only alloy body cars and expect it to be in the high 100s before it's done.

You should go to 427 Cobra Country--Ford AC Cobra replica manufacturers SUPER-SITE to get a feeling for prices. There are listings for Cobras, Coupes and GT40s there.

You should visit for a more focused discussion on the GT40.

PS. When I was selling my Cobra the Coupe and GT40 made the short list, but were excluded for the reasons noted above and I bought a civilized but equally fast (or faster), and certainly more comfortable, Ford GT.

Last edited by twobjshelbys; 08-02-2015 at 09:57 AM..
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