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Italian newbie
Hello everybody! First post here. Really like this website!
First of all a small introduction about myself.
I am Italian, I am an engineer and I am pretty tall (188 cm or 6 feet 2). I would love building my own Cobra and use it daily. With daily I mean I would not want to race with it, but travel around (go to work, to the lake, etc.)
The small introduction brings in itself some questions.
Italian: registering the car here as unique is not possible. Are there any ways other than the UK IVA test around Europe (and of course closer to italy than UK) to get the car registered?
Italian2: Which kit would you suggest with Left Hand Drive (not necessary, but preferred)
Tall: Which kit would you suggest, so that I can fit in? (necessary ;-) )
Daily use: I am not looking for 800 HP and I like originality, so I would prefer to stick to the 289 Ford Engine. How easy is to find one? Do you have any suggestion in choosing one?
My plan is first to buy the engine, then the donor, than the Kit.
Any suggestion highly welcome!!! Thanks guys!!!