Originally Posted by RodKnock
The political views of Cobra owners. I'm guessing this thread would take a different direction on the Nissan Leaf Owners New York Region Forum.
Yes, I'm guessing it would!
Here's an interesting little piece titled: "Why Can't We All Just Get Along?" (
Why Can't We All Just Get Along?). It explores the fundamental divide between conservatives and liberals, and the underlying reasons for that divide.
"Studies have shown that liberals tend to care only about harm and fairness when considering whether something is moral or not, said Peter Ditto, a professor of psychology and social behavior at the University of California, Irvine, who is involved with Haidt's research. In contrast, conservatives have a more traditional moral structure, and tend to care about all five morality factors, he said.
"So that's where a lot of the problems come in, is that the things that really bother conservatives don’t bother liberals very much," Ditto said. "And the two groups don't understand each other's morality very well.
Take gay marriage, for example: "From a liberal standpoint, gay marriage isn't a problem, it doesn’t harm anybody, and it's only fair that gay people be allowed to be married just like straight people can," Ditto said.
But for conservatives, gay marriage goes against the traditional idea of marriage, and so presents a real moral problem."
The article goes on to explain 'biased perception of facts' and how 'simple notions of "right" and "wrong" are judged based on altered realities by both parties.'
IMO it's an interesting and insightful article that's worth a look. It doesn't take much time to read - though it will take a little longer for those who can't read without moving their lips.