Originally Posted by davids2toys
I was up at ERA yesterday, the shifter handle they sell for the Tremec does not have the lockout that moves!!!
Well I have to say that playing with the little lockout T is one of my favorite things to do while sitting at stop lights. It's a shame they quit making them functional. The ERA Manual has the instructions for making one. I was going to rip them and post them but they are long, and ridiculously complicated. I can see why they quit doing it.
For example (and this is just for starters):
Use an oxy-acetylene torch to apply as little heat as possible to melt the braze or silver solder attaching the actuating cable to the lock-out dog. When the braze or solder melts, a spring will pop the dog out.
Save the dog, spring, and washer. Push the cable back up into the lever about 4 inches, but don't remove it completely. Cut the lever as shown, removing approximately 2" where indicated. Chamfer both ends for welding.
Extend the cable through the end of the tube and slide a washer over it. Tack weld the washer in place centered on the tube. Be careful not to overheat the cable....