Originally Posted by leroy17
If you have a budget that extends to whatever you can negotiate with Phil, I really do not think that there is a better completed cobra out there.
Orphan finally for sale
Well thats interesting Philm put a post on here saying he had a car for sale if my budget was a bit flexible. I sent him a PM saying my budget was a bit flexible for the right car I haven't received a reply as yet so it will be interesting to see what he comes back with. If it is Orphan WOW its just a pity it has an LS3 in it being a Ford man I really want a Ford engine in it. I know that limits my options some what. I have already changed the dream based on the cars available. I initially wanted a 427 with quad 48mm webbers and live rear axel just like the original sadly very few kits or no kits/cars around now have a non IRS rear end. Oh well never mind I can always build the 427 with quad webbers I guess.